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January 2023 ... New years resolutions or no ?

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Let me kick right off by saying that I am definitely not a resolution maker when it comes to January 1st of any year but especially not since moving here.

When I was younger I always vowed that come the New year I would make big and often drastic and unattainable resolutions, ridiculous promises that were unachievable and also not really what I wanted ... for example, I would endeavour to make this the year that I lose the weight, that I become a size 10, that I will take up a new intense exercise routine and train every day, that I be a better me, one that does yoga at 6am every morning and radiates constant positivity, a Goddess if you will, all the while raising two little girls and running my own business... you get the idea.

These resolutions did not bring me joy, no pleasure whatsoever, quite the opposite in fact.. all I gained was a massive feeling of incompetence and failure. I am very glad to say that as I got older and learned to accept myself for who I am I came to realise that I am not that bad actually... I have good morals, I am kind, creative and caring and I love a good laugh... maybe I dont need to be a size 10 to feel validated ! Thank God that I finally figured that out !!

I also realised that January 1st is the absolute worst time to make any changes, big or small, radical or otherwise. You see, while we humans are forcing change upon ourselves, trying to twist and manipulate both our minds and bodies into being something they are naturally not, the rest of the world is in deep slumber. The rest of the animal kingdom is taking it slow, at least those of us in the northern hemisphere. It literally makes no sense to be starting a new way of life or encouraging huge changes at a time when everything else is taking stock, slowing down and adapting gradually to the environment around them.

Since moving way up north and now being surrounded by snow and darkness for much of the winter this has become more evident then ever. As I have mentioned in previous blogs before, the seasons here are on steroids, there is no mistaking when Spring arrives or when Summer morphs overnight into Autumn and in turn when everything stops for winter.

Literally EVERYTHING stops and falls silent. The walk through the fields that I regularly take that was once full of birdsong and babbling streams of water becomes totally and utterly quiet.

The zingy greens, yellows and multicoloured sprays of flowers are replaced with a monochrome landscape of thick, white fluffy snow, a dampener to any sound apart from the occasional loud and startling crack of a tree adjusting to the icy temperatures or the unmistakable grumbling and roaring sound of ice forming or cracking on the lake.

Mother Nature is clearly telling us that now is a time for rest, for contemplation and thoughtfulness. A time to surround oneself with warmth, comfort and those dearest to us, to keep the fires burning and the food store full.

It is no wonder then, that the desire to make resolutions and begin them in January is somewhat now (and gladly I might add) redundant. Instead what I choose to do is hunker down and think about the things that I might like to achieve,

realistically, within the next few months.

To make notes and plans about the areas in life that I am perhaps a little dissatisfied with and contemplate what steps I can put in place to alter the status quo. For me, thats enough ... I just cannot handle anything bigger then that in the darkest time of the year.

However, we have now FINALLY arrived in February and the days are getting brighter and longer at quite a rapid pace ! The drive to take the girls to school in the morning is no longer pitch black and the sun is reaching a higher point in the sky each day. There is a stirring now... a rumbling that means things are awakening and a sense of anticipation and excitement in the air !

That sunshine is also now bringing with it warmth that when you stop, eyes closed, face turned upward to the heavens you can actually feel it warming your skin... when before it only provided a small glow from it's low place in the sky.

And it is now, at this point that I start to feel more productive. To slowly start to peel back the layers of the winter cocoon I have wrapped myself in. It is now that I begin to put into place the plans and changes I need to facilitate to move forward into the year... and it feels good and it feels right.

There is still snow on the ground but the skies are blue, the birds have returned bringing with them their beautiful, sweet singing voices and there is an unmistakable positive vibration in the air ! Mother nature is stirring and gently nudging the countryside, whispering in its sleepy ear that it is time to wake up, to stretch and to begin thinking about what is to come in the next few months.

I wonder... are you a fan of new years resolutions or do you prefer to start your new year with the wakening of nature like me ?

Much love,

Nic xx

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10 Σχόλια

Jane Foleher
Jane Foleher
06 Φεβ 2023

Beautifully written. I’m not one for resolutions. However I am trying to lose weight having put on 9Ibs in few months!! I blame my job. All my clients are feeders. I discovered I love shortbread too 😂

Anyway lovely to read your blogs as always glad you’re coming out of your cocoon. Hope you can see your family and friends soon. Much love xx

Μου αρέσει
29 Μαρ 2023
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Thankyou Jane, hope you and the girls are all doing good x

Μου αρέσει

04 Φεβ 2023

Wise words about mother nature telling us to rest. I must admit that it's not until the last years I've understood (I'm63!) and allowed myself to slow down this time of the year. Now I'm looking forward to june, 24 hours of sun ❤️


Μου αρέσει
29 Μαρ 2023
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Lena, when will the snow go ? :) Seriously ready for spring to spring into action !!

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03 Φεβ 2023

Beautifully written Nic and I totally agree with you, sending love and hugs to you 💕

Μου αρέσει
29 Μαρ 2023
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Love and hugs right back at ya !!

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Tracy Doody
Tracy Doody
03 Φεβ 2023

I, like yourself, have always felt flat in January and I have come to realise its from years of putting unrealistic pressure on myself. ( lose weight always being the one) Now no more resolutions for me and I'm much happier. Its still not my favourite month because I love Christmas and December so much. I love reading your posts and seeing a window into your fabulous Swedish life. X

Μου αρέσει
29 Μαρ 2023
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Thank you Tracy, I am exactly the same as you, January always feels like such a come down after all the festivities but I am getting a bit better at recognising that and using the month to take stock. Thank you for your kind words and support x

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Elizabeth Savage
Elizabeth Savage
03 Φεβ 2023

No new year resolutions for me I just try to be as positive as possible every, like you I try to be realistic of the achievements i want and need to make in my life. I love reading your blogs, you have a beautiful way of describing everything. Thank you

Μου αρέσει
29 Μαρ 2023
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Thank you for your very kind words Elizabeth... I still haven't broken my resolutions... guess thats the beauty of not making any !

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